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Testing out new technologies

Inspired by the work of a friend and colleague

After listening to Nicole's brilliant composition in Cakewalk, I'm eager to explore what it has to offer! However as a Mac user, I've realised that unfortunately I'm unable to download it. I have however discussed this with Nicole who's done lots of research on free DAWs as part of her negotiated tech project and she had recommended GarageBand as the best free and most intuitive DAW for Mac. At first I thought this was the obvious choice (now I understand that this is with good reason!) however Nicole's experiences testing out different DAWs have showed that the other DAWs for Mac were frustrating to use making them unsuitable for use in the music classroom.

As I mentioned earlier, GarageBand is a well known and popular DAW, however for a Mac user, I haven't at all relied on it for composition and recording tasks. Instead, I've used Soundtrap as it's easy to swap from PC to Mac if needed while still using the program.

Here's my exploration of GarageBand on a Mac. My idea for this mini project is to compose a Flamenco guitar backing and improvise over it...

(Backing track resource and Flamenco improvisation)

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