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Tech Project Updates #2

Updated: Nov 24, 2019

As I am using a combination of the following sources from Instructables to build my drum kits, I plan to post a DIY instruction manual for classroom music teachers wishing to recreate this project with their students and of course, I am able to be contacted through email for further assistance.

Source 1: (using code and bass drum design)

Source 2: (using construction of mouse pads)

Today I am beginning the process of making the drum kits

Goal = get drum sounds out of the drums!

I've already cut out 8 circles using 4 mouse pads to make 4 drum pads in total for the first electronic drum kit.


After making my first set of drum pads, I realised that when glueing the CD to the mouse pad, it's possible to place the non-slip side of the pad on the desk and glue the other side to the CD. This means that when hitting the drum pad, it won't slide around on the desk. However, after trying this with my second kit, I realised that the glue adheres to the non-slip side of the mouse pad better, so it's more ideal to stick to the original method!

Also, when using super glue, always make sure you're in a well ventilated area, preferably outdoors. The strong odour of Selleys Adhesive Shoe Glue can be unpleasant and overwhelming if you're exposed to it for an extended period of time.

Selleys Adhesive Shoe Glue:

After setting up the Arduino to my Mac, having downloaded the program, I tested out the piezos to make sure they are functioning properly.

Testing the piezo elements using alligator clips...

I felt that alligator clips will not present the best solution, especially as I would have had to extend the wires on the piezo so that I have enough room to glue the CD onto the mouse pad, so I opted for jumper wires instead as they represent a more permanent and reliable solution.


I am currently waiting on the delivery of additional 4 piezo elements which I have ordered from core electronics. Once they arrive, I will test each piezo using Arduino on my Mac to test that they actually work and are not faulty. I also plan to buy an Arduino Starter Kit from Jaycar tomorrow which retail for $40 for my second kit.

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