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Tech Project Update #6

Updated: Nov 24, 2019

Designing and building the kick/bass drum

Update: I plan to replace the photos of 'numbers' with the part of the drum, or perhaps eliminate photos all together if code runs more smoothly that way(?)

Building the kick took the most trial and error as well as careful and considerate planning. When discussing my project with James, he suggested that one of the ways I could facilitate the bass drum is to use a pushbutton switch (pictured below) and then cover it with foam. I really liked that idea and was planning to use it as I borrowed two pushbutton switches however when I came cross the idea in 'Studio Drums,' I was drawn to the idea of having a strap on the kick which can be tied on a student's foot like s a shoe!

Pushbutton Switch

The concept behind my design

However, I chose to use recycled materials (i.e. readily available and excess materials from other parts of this project) as:

1) It keeps the cost down, making it more viable for music teachers to replicate this project for the music classroom with their students

2) The materials are easier to source than PVC and a wooden plate

My design features a jar lid and two pieces of excess mouse pad material, which is cut out to fit the internal shape of the lid and used to sandwich the piezo in between the mouse pad and the lid.

Once the sandwich was created (making sure the super glue doesn't touch the piezo and ensuring that the piezo was secured using masking tape), I cut out two pieces of elastic band (long enough to be used as a shoe lace) and glued the pieces across one another on the top part of the lid.


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